Where Does the Therian Symbol Come From?

where does the therian symbol come from the therian guide on therianthropy

Discovering your personal journey through therianthropy begins with details like knowing your theriotypes, looking at therian masks, and getting a little more understanding about where does the therian symbol come from originally.

This self-discovery is an adventure, and the therian symbol represents an emblem everyone in the therian community can get behind. You can often see it on water bottle stickers, t-shirts, or social media as a subtle way to signal one therian to another.

Knowing a bit about the history helps give you context as to why this community is growing so rapidly, especially now that more of us can talk to one another in a safe space like The Therian Guide.

What Does the Therian Symbol Mean?

theta delta greek letters for therian symbol from therian guide on therianthropy

The therian symbol is depicted as a “Theta-Delta.” The two symbols are intertwined with one another to connect both balance between the physical animal instincts you feel as a therian and the spiritual or emotional side of things you feel when considering your different theriotypes.

The two Greek letters are θ (theta) and δ (delta). It looks mostly like a triangle intertwined with a circle with a small horizontal line in the center. Similar to the Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter.

The theta represents when you have a therian shift into your non-human self, while the delta is more about the fluidity of therianthropy. Together, you are looking at the balance between all the aspects of your therian being.

What Is the Therian Symbol’s Origin?

It’s hard to buckle down where the therian symbol was first used, but most therians agree it was in the online space. Users from The Werelist forums drew inspiration from the Greek alphabet and adopted the theta-delta we have today. Most agree that this was around 2003, and after that, a bunch of artists tried different versions.

Using Greek letters also helps the theta-delta appear more timeless and respected. The “T” in theta helps stick to the “T” in therian, and the delta is best used for a therian shift.

the history of the therian symbol from the therian guide on therianthropy

Unfortunately, many religious groups have attacked the therian symbol for being something Satanic or unholy, when in reality, it is just a way to recognize one another and help build up the community. That is why you get many different versions, like the Unified Theta-Delta or Non-Human Unity Flags.

Therians can always feel safe being a Christian or any other religion and enjoying their exploration of therianthropy and theriotypes.

How Is the Therian Symbol Used?

Most of the time, the therian symbol is used in the online community. People will have it subtly posted on their social media accounts or posting profiles so others can recognize they are part of the “lifestyle.”

You can also find a great variety of therian masks, therian journals, jewelry, tattoos, and other products with the therian symbol emblazoned everywhere. Significant community events and conversations will have therian symbols all over the marketing so those who wish to display therian gear or are a furry (even though these are different groups) will feel welcome.

What Does It Mean to Be a Therian?

Being a therian is all about embracing that side of your personal identity, deeply attached and influenced by the animal instincts and connections you feel with the natural world. It feels like your identity is closely tied to an animal (or theriotypes).

Some therians will experience “shifting” into that animal as they become more attuned to their more naturalistic nature. The therian symbol identifies one therian with another when out in public and not wanting to feel ostracized by society.

You know you’re in good company when you’re trying to find cool things to do as a therian and see someone else with the theta-delta on the back of their t-shirt.

understanding where the therian symbol is used from the therian guide on therianthropy

Final Thoughts

The therian symbol is a crucial emblem in the community. It represents the balance between being human and non-human. It helps you identify someone who understands what it is to be therian from the rest of the world.

While the therian symbol is still young, it is widely used in all kinds of therian gear and events. Where does the therian symbol come from is using Greek letters theta-delta, as decided by early online forums and groups interested in exploring their therianthropy together.

If you would like to learn more about the Therian Guide, feel free to leave a comment below, share this article, or drop us a line on our contact page. Thank you for reading!

therian symbol with nature from therian guide on therianthropy


What does the θδ symbol mean?

The θδ is better known as the “theta-delta.” The therian symbol, which combines two Greek letters, represents the balance between human and non-human aspects of enjoying the therian community.

Why is the therian symbol Theta-Delta?

Using Greek letters helps add credibility to the therian symbol. It encapsulates ideas and words in a root language that best represents the community and how therians feel.

Where did therians come from?

The therian community has always been around, but the most recent iteration comes from online forums grouping together to better define therianthropy and how to explore one’s animal instincts in a safe and welcoming environment.

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