What Day is Therianthropy Day and What is Celebrated?

Remember the first time you asked, “what is a therian?” and now you’re exploring all kinds of fun activities to engage with fellow adventurers? One of the best ways to connect with others in the therianthropy world is to celebrate Therianthropy Day.

Before you grab your therian journal and mask, here is some quick background information on the history of Therianthropy Day, how we in the community celebrate, and important upcoming dates.

what day is therianthropy day from the therian guide on therianthropy

When is Therianthropy Day?

The traditional Therianthropy Day falls on the first full moon of November every single year. The reason for this is many therians feel a deep connection between the lunar cycle and their various theriotypes.

It’s important to note that while therian shifts during a full moon may feel spiritual, there is no connection between therianthrope and Christianity, lycanthropy, or any other faith/cultural belief. It is all about enjoying that natural connection with your theriotype.

Here is a quick list of recent, current, and future dates for Therianthropy Day:

  • 2023 – Monday, November 27
  • 2024 – Friday, November 15
  • 2025 – Wednesday, November 5
  • 2026 – Sunday, November 22
  • 2027 – Thursday, November 11
  • 2028 – Monday, October 30

To answer the question: “What day is Therianthropy Day?” if you’re preparing for a fun celebration with your fellow therians in 2025, you want to schedule any events for November 5th, 2025. The dates shift each year because the lunar cycle is not set on a specific time.

safety tips for celebrating therianthropy day from the therian guide

What is the History of Therianthropy Day?

You can trace the first Therianthropy Day (in the modern era) to the early 1990s. That is when the AHWW (alt.horror.werewolves) Usenet community laid the groundwork after deep discussions about how to best celebrate identifying as a non-human animal.

The very first Therianthropy Day was called the “first Howl.” It happened on November 17, 1994, and was held in Ohio. Since then, the various events, symbols, and other therian activities have continued this tradition, with many from the otherkin and furry community joining in to help solidify the day.

What Do Therians Do on Therianthropy Day?

There is no single way to celebrate Therianthropy Day. You can choose to enjoy the event in many types of ways, especially when you have a strong community around you. Most of the time, therians will gather together to:

  • Honor the past and where therians come from.
  • Engage in self-care by embracing shifts, wearing masks, and practicing quadrobics together.
  • Share artwork, music, literature, and other creative pursuits.
  • Engage in games and build a strong community of support.

If you are on the fence about telling your parents about being a therian, you may want to skip bringing them to Therianthropy Day. That could be a bit much for someone new to the culture.

when is the next therianthropy day from the therian guide

Safety Tips for Therianthropy Day

The therian community is incredibly supportive and safe, but there may be people around the outskirts who do not understand or want to ridicule those enjoying the big day. There are some safety tips you should follow when engaging in local events.

  • Be cautious with your personal information, like sensitive details, until you can trust the people around you.
  • Watch for subtle indications of other therians around you, like the Theta-Delta mark, masks, or hand gestures.
  • Avoid publicized meetings that are getting a lot of ridicule online, as there could be anti-therian protestors.
  • Bring your gear in a bag to the location you’re celebrating. Wearing it in public opens up unwanted attention and misunderstandings.
  • Always have an adult if you’re under 18.

One final thing to mention is drugs and alcohol. It is extremely rare to find either substance on Therianthropy Day (outside of private parties or small groups). The therian community is all about sharing, supporting, and experiencing – not using mind-altering substances. If you hear about an event where these are present, you may want to skip it.

How You Can Celebrate Therianthropy Day

If you’re interested in hosting your own event or simply want to enjoy the day, you can join many online discussions. Reddit and Facebook have great communities. You may want to take time to engage in self-reflection by meditating or separating out time to write in your journal.

A good way to celebrate is to get out in nature. While it may be a little colder in November, the tranquility of the outdoors is an excellent place for a little self-care.

everything you need to know about therianthropy day from the therian guide


However you decide to celebrate what day is Therianthropy Day, make sure it is all about how you identify with your theriotypes. Enjoy this enriching connections and participate safely with others seeking friends and having fun. Together, we can make Therianthropy Day a wonderful tradition for generations to come.

If you would like to learn more about the Therian Guide, feel free to leave a comment below, share this article, or drop us a line on our contact page. Thank you for reading!


Is therianthropy a mental illness?

Not at all. Therianthropy is a personal identity that celebrates deeply felt connections to non-human animals.

Is therianthropy linked to autism?

While some on the autism spectrum may be therian, there is no direct correlation between the two communities. You can learn more about that in a previous article.

What day is Therianthropy Day in 2025?

You can help celebrate the upcoming Therianthropy Day on November 5, 2025 – the first full moon of the lunar cycle.

When is Otherkin Day in 2025?

Unlike therians, otherkin celebrate on the same date each year – July 9th.

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One Comment

  1. AM I OR AM I NOT ? I’ve always been drawn to animal masks -be it wolf -fox etc and many years ago i was called wolf but never really thought beyond that-Nowadays im drawn to the fox but am i a therian ?

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