What is Quadrobics: The Top Therian Workout You Should Know About

what is quadrobics from the therian guide on therianthropy

Enjoying your deep connection with animals and the many non-human instincts that make you see the world differently is an excellent way to explore life. During this therian journey, you may have heard about different theriotypes shifting physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. One of the cool ways to make this happen is quadrobics.

The next time you’re curious about therian workouts or what that video of someone in a therian mask running through the woods on all fours is all about, consider how quadrobics as an exercise benefits you in so many ways.

What is Quadrobics?

Quadrobics is an art form and a way to improve bodily movement. It is exercising using the same movements as your various theriotypes. Unlike a furry that embodies a fursona in a costume, therians enjoy running, jumping, and other animal-like motions.

Is Quadrobics an Exercise?

When you engage in quadrobics, you’re using your entire body. Imagine having your arms and legs moving in sync across the forest floor. Such movement improves strength training, agility, and makes you sweat from cardio. When done safely, quadrobics is a solid workout that will make you feel more attuned to your theriotype.

Can Quadrobics Make You Lose Weight?

The first thing any doctor will tell you to do when losing weight is to eat less fat and sugar. Next in line is to get outside and move for 10-20 minutes a day – even if for a leisurely walk.

Quadrobics offer the same benefit. You can lose weight and burn calories as long as you practice quadrobics regularly. It is physically intense, helps you build muscles, and improves the function of your body.

You can lose significant weight when you pair your quadrobics with things like a healthy diet full of nutritious food and plenty of sleep. Just remember to stay balanced. Getting in shape isn’t about getting a six-pack. It’s about feeling good in your skin and not being out of breath when you enjoy regular daily activities and cool things to do as a therian.

working out with quadrobics as a therian from the therian guide on therianthropy

How to Do Quadrobics

Practicing quadrobics is a lot like learning an instrument or studying a religion, it takes time and dedication. You may want to take notes in your therian journal of the exercises you try so you can track your progress better. Here are some tips for getting started.

  • Warm-Up: Always begin any workout with a solid warm-up. Loosely stretch your arms, legs, and shoulders to prevent injuries and enhance your general flexibility. You want to boost your heart rate, but only so you feel limber.
  • Practice Basic Movements: Start with basic therian movements once your body is ready. Walking on your paws (quadrupedal) or small jumps over a log. Think of movements your theriotypes do when relaxed.
  • Practice Advanced Movements: You should be well warmed up now. Try more advanced techniques like bounding, leaping, crouching, and pouncing. Imagine the activities your theriotypes do when hunting prey or getting away from humans. These movements should feel natural to your non-human instincts and never hurt your body.
  • Cool Down: When you’ve finally felt your quadrobics are at a good stopping point for the day, cool down with some light stretching to avoid stiffness. You want to relax the muscles and reflect on the connection between your body and therianthropy. Meditation at the end is a good suggestion.

One thing that is both a fun activity and improves your quadrobics is setting up a homemade obstacle course. It will push your limits and give you a creative space for carving therian symbols into wood or living out fantasies with specific animals.

therian stretching with yoga before quadrobics from the therian guide on therianthropy

Many people in the otherkin category love to help with this process as well because it gives them a fun way to connect without living too dangerously close to their creature types.

When Was Quadrobics Invented?

The start of therian history is tough to nail down. Quadrobics is equally a little hazy for an origin story.

Most agree the first quadrobics (as a sport) craze began in the early 2000s. A Japanese athlete named Kenichi Ito set the Guinness record for running on all fours for 100 meters (crawling), which is often associated with parkour.

Kenichi Ito from Japan setting quadrobics record from therian guide on therianthropy

Beyond that moment, many anime shows, online social media videos, and therian community events have focused on quadrobics as a movement. Even in martial arts and fully body gym clubs, you’ll find movements that resemble apes, lions, eagles, and more. One of the oldest Kung Fu styles ever to exist is known as White Crane Kung Fu (Fujian White Crane).

The truth is we humans have always mimicked what we find in nature. Practicing quadrobics is only a natural way to explore how to move and enjoy closeness with our theriotypes.

Benefits of Quadrobics

The beauty of a quadrobics workout is it has many health and wellness benefits, including:

  • Get a full-body workout to target all your major muscle groups, boost strength, improve agility and endurance.
  • Gets your heart pumping, so your cardiovascular health is directly impacted.
  • It relieves many of the emotional and mental stresses we all feel from being therian in the modern world.
  • Allows you another pathway to self-expression, especially beneficial to therians with autism, ADHD, or other unique traits.

Most importantly, it makes you feel close to your theriotypes. Many therians will never experience a shift. Practicing quadrobics is a great way to feel a connection when you haven’t had a shift.

Quadrobics Tips for Beginners

The more you get into quadrobics and explore different movements, you need to listen closely to your body. Always stretch and never push yourself so hard that you get injured.

Avoid any areas with sharp objects, and consider wearing knee pads and grippy gloves when starting out. Keep your clothing comfortable, but not so loose that you’ll snag on a tree limb or sharp rock.

If you do wear a therian mask and other gear, be sure you have plenty of visual sightlines and can hear well. You want to rely on your senses so you avoid accidents.

quadrobics on an obstacle course from therian guide on therianthropy

Wrapping Up

Learning what is quadrobics all about will better connect you with your theriotypes through bodily movements engaging all four limbs. It enhances your physical prowess and makes you feel more like the animals you closely envision.

Enjoy your workout, but be sure to practice safety. As you grow, challenge yourself with unique quadrobics sports, obstacle courses, and other similar events.

If you would like to learn more about the Therian Guide, feel free to leave a comment below, share this article, or drop us a line on our contact page. Thank you for reading!

enjoying and practicing quadrobics as a therian


Is quadrobics good for you?

Enjoying 20 minutes of quadrobics a day is a good way to burn calories, improve your physical fitness, and engage your mind in a stress-relieving activity.

Is quadrobics a real sport?

It hasn’t been recognized as an official competitive sport yet, but it is most definitely a form of intense physical activity and self-expression.

Is quadrobics only for therians?

Not at all! Go check out shows like American Ninja Warrior, and you’ll find plenty of non-therians practicing animalistic movements that look and feel like quadrobics.

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